Thursday, March 5, 2009

Off to see the Wizard

As I said in my last post, I love my new Cintiq. I just finished a piece that I actually started sketching a month ago. It took about 30 hours to paint this piece, longer than any one I've ever worked on before. but I really like the end result. I often look at other artist's work and wish I was able to get the results they do, it doesn't deter me but rather inspire me. I'm hoping to finally get some of my stuff out to magazines and other places, attempting to broaden my possibilties. I thinking this may be the front of my postcard.


Unknown said...

That is BEAUTIFUL work Rich - great colours, definition and likenesses.
I'm starting to weaken on this Cintiq business !!
Good work.

Unknown said...

Terry, I can agree that at times my hand does get in the way and it's annoying, but the good definitely outweighs the bad. The ability to sketch naturally is so fantastic. And it's much faster to work.

Ken said...

Beautiful Rich, I want a Cintiq too. Waaaah

Nico Di Mattia said...

Wow, you have nice works man!!! Congratulations!